Fallout new vegas vs fallout 3 graphics
Fallout new vegas vs fallout 3 graphics

But even after hours and hours of enjoyable gameplay, Fallout 4 can still feel strangely lacking. From building your own settlements to finding interesting side quests, and discovering a creepy Ghoul-invested town, there’s no shortage of things to do. The most recent single-player entry has so much on offer. By today’s standards it is pretty dated, and the UI really hasn’t aged well, but if you can get past all that it’s a historical throwback that’s worth returning to for the story alone. It even introduces the Karma system which we see throughout the series that affects the way the world views your character. With branching dialogue, multiple approaches to solving quests, NPCs to encounter, companions, and the classic Special skills system, it has all the hallmarks of post-apocalyptic world we’ve become so accustomed to. Many fans who came to the series much later might be put off at first glance by the style and look of the top down RPG, but it was a pivotal title in its own way for establishing much of what we see in later entries. Set in the year 2161, Vault 13 is where you take up residence and when the vault comes under threat, you venture out into the Wasteland to protect it. Going back to where it all began, Fallout 1 laid down for the foundations for the retro-futuristic world we all know and love. The voice acting is superb, and honestly, one of the most memorable lines in any Fallout comes from Ryczek right at the start: “the Elders have ordered me to mold you flabby, hip slapping, berry picking, rat rubbing, Brahman kissers into capable warriors.” That’s one way to make you feel motivated! While being a Brotherhood of Steel recruit doesn’t offer you as much freedom as being a vault dweller, it’s still worth a look.

fallout new vegas vs fallout 3 graphics

The turn-based strategy aspect might not be everyone’s bottle of Nuka-Cola, but the way it presents you with several different approaches and options helps make for a challenging and engaging experience. Since it doesn’t follow on from the story of 1 and 2, Fallout Tactics really is on a path of its own, but it has decent enough story on offer.

fallout new vegas vs fallout 3 graphics

Ten-hut! Who could forget Paladin Ryczek - aka Sarge - drilling you as you begin your life as a newbie Brotherhood of Steel recruit? The off-shoot turned-based tactics RPG is a very well executed deviation in the series that introduces the wastelands to a slightly different genre of play.

Fallout new vegas vs fallout 3 graphics